Games with Gold R.I.P
Desvärre blir det inga Games with Gold under september månad, inga andra månader heller tyvärr. Microsoft har meddelat att den 14 september (dvs nu på torsdag) byts Games with Gold ut till Gamepass Core.

Det är dock inte bara hemskheter då Microsoft skriver följande på sin hemsida:
- On September 14, Xbox Live Gold members will automatically become Game Pass Core members, with no change in pricing, and have immediate access to a new library of over 25 high-quality games.
- Member deals & discounts will also be part of Xbox Game Pass Core.
- Games with Gold will come to an end on September 1.
- Players can continue to access any Xbox One games they previously redeemed through Games with Gold if they remain a Game Pass Core or Game Pass Ultimate member.
- Regardless of subscription status, any Xbox 360 titles redeemed via Games with Gold in the past will be kept in a player’s library.
kortfattat innebär detta att din Xbox Live Gold medlemskapp automatiskt byts till Xbox Game Pass Core utan någon förändring kring priset och ger dig access direkt till följande titlar:
- Among Us
- Descenders
- Dishonored 2
- Doom Eternal
- Fable Anniversary
- Fallout 4
- Fallout 76
- Forza Horizon 4
- Gears 5
- Grounded
- Halo 5: Guardians
- Halo Wars 2
- Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice
- Human Fall Flat
- Inside
- Ori & The Will of the Wisps
- Psychonauts 2
- State of Decay 2
- The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited
Mer info hittar du på Microsoft hemsida här
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